The Bowers Family.

Traveling Family Photographer based in Columbus, GA. Travels to Washington D.C., San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, California annually. Bright, true to life colors in your photographs. Jacquie Lai is a military spouse from Arroyo Grande, California and

A Beautiful Family Session at the Botanical Gardens in Columbus, GA.

Meet the Bowers family! I first photographed the Bowers about two weeks after my move to Columbus last year! I am so honored that my clients keep coming to me every year for updated family photos. Elliott, the youngest, is not a newborn anymore! He was so happy during the whole shoot and is as cute as can be!

We had such a wonderful time at the Botanical Gardens in Columbus. The lighting was perfect and this pretty family was photo ready!

Traveling Family Photographer based in Columbus, GA. Travels to Washington D.C., San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, California annually. Bright, true to life colors in your photographs. Jacquie Lai is a military spouse from Arroyo Grande, California and
Traveling Family Photographer based in Columbus, GA. Travels to Washington D.C., San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, California annually. Bright, true to life colors in your photographs. Jacquie Lai is a military spouse from Arroyo Grande, California and

This photograph is one of my favorites from the session. Why? Little Vincent was having a hard time and was wanting his Mama. The way Carolina is holding her child in her arms shows and communicates to Vincent that he is safe. This image is a reflection of how God holds and loves us. He meets us where we are. Life is hard, and we can be upset, sad, or angry for so many reasons. Yet, God holds us like this. He loves us and will always have His arms around us, no matter what we have done, whispering to us of His love for us. Carolina is living out God’s love in this photograph. She loves her baby boy and he knows that he is safe with her.

Traveling Family Photographer based in Columbus, GA. Travels to Washington D.C., San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, California annually. Bright, true to life colors in your photographs. Jacquie Lai is a military spouse from Arroyo Grande, California and
Traveling Family Photographer based in Columbus, GA. Travels to Washington D.C., San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, California annually. Bright, true to life colors in your photographs. Jacquie Lai is a military spouse from Arroyo Grande, California and

Thank you Bowers family for trusting me again to photograph your growing family! It’s such an honor!

Much love to you guys!



The California Lai Family


The Bucknum Family