Celebrating Hugo.

Last summer in 2020 we got the horrible news that Greg’s grandfather, Hugo Santucci, passed away at the age of 94. Due to the pandemic we weren’t able to get the family together to celebrate his life in person. Living in Washington, D.C. at the time, traveling to California was impossible. We were on a military travel ban, but we desperately wanted to be with family to remember Grandpa Hugo.

The Santucci’s live all over the West Coast. The Central Coast of California, the Bay area, Central Oregon, the Seattle area, and Canada. Finally, thanks to vaccinations we were able to get the WHOLE Santucci family together to celebrate Hugo and the wonderful person that he was. What a fun family reunion to have! Seeing the great grandkids all meeting for the first time was priceless!

Despite the differences our families may have, we are united and rooted in Christ. He is the one who brings us together to find peace, love and forgiveness with one another. Hugo followed Christ and exemplified His love. I am deeply thankful for Hugo, the kindness he showed me, and what he passed down to his family.

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Much love to you, Santucci Family! What a wonderful time spent together as a family.



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The Waterfall Family